Stellar comments from clients

The year I was coached by Christi I got to be 2% top producer for the company I work for, thanks to learning about meditation, making better choices with food, becoming aware of the negative effects of sugar in my system, and overall better health.
I highly reommend her.
With Christi I changed many things in my lifestyle – I now exercise more and do yoga, I started piano lessons, I go out more with friends.I thought I was eating healthfully so I did not understand why I couldn’t lose the five kilos I’d gained over the years.Christi gave me the nutrition tips I needed – including what to eat between meals if I feel stressed.
She taught me to meditate daily to help balance my spirit, body and soul.

I highly recommend Christi as an advisor and life coach. In taking serious decisions, personal or business – running ideas by her helps to clarify thoughts and ultimately to make the right decisions. Working with her gives me an objective look and often a different perspective on issues and situations.

I have worked with Christi for the past several years and have benefitted greatly from her expertise in several areas of health and wellness. From nutritional guidance, yoga and meditation and my personal favorite – psychological awareness, this loving, caring lady is here to help and full of creative ideas.
I give her five stars!
I’m having a delightful time taking Christi’s Pilates classes. Ever since I started I have noted improvement in the definition of both my arms and legs! Totally grateful!