Meditating is one of the easiest, and most relaxing, things we can do. So, why don’t we do it? I think one reason is we just don’t understand how really simple it is. And then there is wondering if we actually know what we are doing. Like anything else there are many ways to learn it and yes, you can learn to meditate from reading about it or watching a video. Especially if you already have an understanding of what it’s all about. But of course you can obtain a deeper understanding and more confidence if you learn from a teacher.
Here are some basics to start with –
Find a quiet spot in your home or office or wherever you think you will likely have the time and space to establish a regular practice. You can meditate any time, anywhere but if you have a designated place it may help you maintain a practice. Nothing more is needed. However, if you feel that some props will help you by all means use them –
candles, crystals, a special cushion to sit on, a vase of flowers, whatever you like.
Then, sit comfortably – upright but relaxed. Remove your shoes if that makes you more comfortable. Most teachers encourage sitting to meditate and I don’t disagree. However, if lying down is more comfortable for you, as it is for me, feel free to try that.
Allow your eyes to close. Take a deep breath – and another, or two. Soften your body. Relax your jaw, your forehead, your abdominal muscles. Do a quick scan of your body to see where you may be holding on to or creating tension and let that go. Take a few more deep breaths.

Now, simply let the mantra you have chosen play over and over silently in your mind. Think of it as a tool to guide you back to yourself and away from the thoughts whirling around in your head. And they will likely whirl so just let them. Don’t fight them but rather gently move away from the thoughts and back to the mantra. Continue to do this for at least ten minutes. If you can do more, twenty minutes is ideal.
When the time is up stay seated for a minute or two with your eyes closed. Take a deep breath or a few. Gently open your eyes. And that is it.